Reading Time: 6 minutes Blindly following others for your opinions will inevitable lead you astray
Tag: Junk Science
Aspartame latest target in potential carcinogen classification
Reading Time: 3 minutes WHO research group slammed over alarmist stance
Covid Unmasked: New study debunks everything you were told
Reading Time: 5 minutes Excess Covid deaths remain stubbornly high in countries that employed the mRNA vaccines
Pandemic performance study blatant attempt to justify fed’s actions?
Reading Time: 5 minutes The Public Health Agency of Canada study’s conclusions are a fantasy, quite divorced from reality
Study: COVID-19 was more bark than bite
Reading Time: 4 minutes Did our lives ground to a halt for a virus about as lethal as a bad flu?
Learning styles myth needs to be rejected once and for all
Reading Time: 3 minutes The learning styles myth perpetuates a falsehood about how students learn
Proteins politicized in the fight to “save the planet”
Reading Time: 4 minutes There is no place for the state in the kitchens of the nation
Time for a rational approach to environmental issues
Reading Time: 4 minutes Fortunately, some writers and thinkers still believe in healthy debate and intellectual discourse on the environment. One of them is Peter Foster
The invaluable power of healthy skepticism
Reading Time: 4 minutes Usain Bolt became the fastest human being ever by eating – wait for it – Chicken McNuggets, not following the latest health care fad
Taking a bite out of the dangerous notion that food is medicine
Reading Time: 3 minutes Pseudoscience and quackery love the food-is-medicine philosophy because it helps them sell their nutritional supplements, diet books and therapy sessions