Reading Time: 5 minutes The fringe element is derailing critical climate debate in Canada
Category: Science
Remnant cholesterol significant risk factor for cardiovascular disease
Reading Time: 4 minutes “Bad” cholesterol not the only culprit linked to higher likelihood of heart disease
Green tech turns CO2, glycerol into valuable materials
Reading Time: 3 minutes Groundbreaking discovery could potentially revolutionize several industries
New study raises concerns over mRNA vaccine safety
Reading Time: 4 minutes Researchers confirm DNA contamination in vaccine vials
Women turning to cannabis for menopause symptom relief
Reading Time: 3 minutes Lack of evidence doesn’t deter women from using cannabis for menopause
Superdeep diamonds uncover how ancient supercontinent Gondwana formed
Reading Time: 3 minutes A glimpse into the mysteries of Gondwana
Is the ‘Ozempic Phenomenon’ a threat to the food industry?
Reading Time: 3 minutes Rise of weight-loss medications leading to drops in share prices
Alberta innovators unveil game-changing prostate cancer test
Reading Time: 2 minutes New blood test could revolutionize prostate cancer diagnosis and reduce unnecessary biopsies
The importance of independent thought
Reading Time: 6 minutes Blindly following others for your opinions will inevitable lead you astray
Expert urges expanded nitrous oxide use in pediatric emergencies
Reading Time: 3 minutes Safe and effective and could help prevent lifelong issues like needle phobia