Reading Time: 4 minutes Benjamin Franklin wanted the turkey to be the U.S.’s National Bird
Tag: Nature in a Nutshell
How to minimize your environmental impact this fall
Reading Time: 3 minutes Sustainable travel tips for the upcoming season
The importance of independent thought
Reading Time: 6 minutes Blindly following others for your opinions will inevitable lead you astray
The astonishing sounds fish make
Reading Time: 4 minutes The world below the surface of the water is a noisy place
Discover the world of blood-feeding animals, from vampire bats to vampire moths
Reading Time: 5 minutes Both are sanguivores. Blood is their primary or exclusive source of food
Do Japanese Beetles taste yucky?
Reading Time: 3 minutes Why else does hardly anything seem to want to eat them
The Japanese Beatle is attractive, but can be annoying
Reading Time: 3 minutes First reported in the United States in 1916, the Japanese Beetle can now be found across North America
Where do fish go in the winter?
Reading Time: 3 minutes Fish use various techniques to survive. But they are a creative bunch – they have to be!
Researcher assessing ripple effects of rodent disease
Reading Time: 4 minutes Protecting vital wildlife could also reduce health risks for nature-loving humans
How to read animal tracks in the snow
Reading Time: 4 minutes Animal tracks can tell what the animal was doing, but identifying the tracks can be tricky