Reading Time: 3 minutes Honest communication with your child’s teachers is the best policy
Category: Education
Exploring the origin of women’s lack of rights in Islam
Reading Time: 4 minutes Pre-Islamic Arab society is the root cause of Islamic fundamentalism’s hostility to women
Green tech turns CO2, glycerol into valuable materials
Reading Time: 3 minutes Groundbreaking discovery could potentially revolutionize several industries
The truth struggles in the Israel-Hamas propaganda wars
Reading Time: 4 minutes Media manipulation poses a challenge for journalists
Quebec’s assault on out-of-province students threatens education system
Reading Time: 3 minutes Education access under threat as Quebec raises out-of-province tuition fees
Economist Thomas Sowell tackles ‘Social Justice’ head-on in new book
Reading Time: 4 minutes There are no sacred cows that Sowell doesn’t debunk in Social Justice Fallacies
Superdeep diamonds uncover how ancient supercontinent Gondwana formed
Reading Time: 3 minutes A glimpse into the mysteries of Gondwana
Researchers revolutionize battery tech with rapid-charge breakthrough
Reading Time: 2 minutes New battery development promises five-minute phone and 10-minute car charging
Fear of erasure fuels Artsakh exodus
Reading Time: 5 minutes Azerbaijan’s blitz on Artsakh has eerie echoes of Nazi tactics
How governments get us to blindly accept their agendas
Reading Time: 3 minutes Nudges are used to subtly and surreptitiously manipulate our behaviour