Reading Time: 4 minutes There are no sacred cows that Sowell doesn’t debunk in Social Justice Fallacies
Tag: Racism
Debate over ‘anti-racism’ education intensifies in Ontario
Reading Time: 4 minutes Parents are fighting back against the Ontario School Board’s Critical Race Theory indoctrination
Why we can’t get enough of sports
Reading Time: 3 minutes Sports has the power to transform society
Slavery is not just a black and white issue
Reading Time: 4 minutes Every ethnic group has practiced slavery and been enslaved
Remixed racism a new challenge for Canadians of any colour
Reading Time: 4 minutes The dangers of misguided anti-racism in Canada
Energy divestment is anti-Indigenous
Reading Time: 4 minutes Activists’ class-based elitism allows “development and progress for me, but not for thee”
Why affirmative action should also end in Canada
Reading Time: 4 minutes It is time to reconsider Canada’s affirmative action policies
How a controversial poll obliterated a cartoonist’s career
Reading Time: 4 minutes Dilbert creator’s latest kerfuffle could end up destroying his career
Asking “Where are you from?” is not inherently racist
Reading Time: 4 minutes Most people are naturally curious and asking someone where they are from is how we learn more about each other
What do we gain by including race on Alberta driver’s license?
Reading Time: 4 minutes Identifying Canadians by race on their everyday documents is divisive and discriminatory