Indigenous communities see ocean of opportunity in oil and gas

This entry is part 4 of 6 in the series Road to Reconciliation

Reading Time: 6 minutes Road to Reconciliation: treating First Nations people as equal partners in projects advances economic and social causes

How athletes can stay motivated when they can’t compete

Lack of competition changed the way ultramarathoner Sara Szabo approached her sport this year, transitioning from competing against others to competing against herself (Photo Lauren Andrews)

Reading Time: 3 minutes Athletes can find opportunities amid the challenge of cancelled sporting events, say U of A master’s student and sport psychology researcher

Sailing ever northward in search of wildlife, culture and history

It’s here in Gros Morne National Park that geologic activity pushed the mantle to the surface so that millions of years later we could stand on this barren landscape
This entry is part 1 of 3 in the series Arctic Adventure

Reading Time: 4 minutes Venturing to rarely-visited sites along the Newfoundland and Labrador coast on the way north