What to do when you see wildlife on urban trails

Urban coyotes can be deterred from getting too close for comfort in neighbourhoods if people use "hazing" to ensure the animals maintain a healthy fear of humans, according to a study by U of A researchers who worked with local volunteers to test out the techniquesPhoto by Ben Mater on Unsplash

Reading Time: 4 minutes Four tips on making wildlife encounters of every description safe and enjoyable for all parties

Forestry grad harvests his passion for the outdoors into a career

Into the woods: Fergus McSween found a place where he belonged studying forestry at the U of A — and found a rewarding job in a high-demand industry. (Photo: John Ulan)

Reading Time: 4 minutes Fergus McSween is applying his new knowledge of forests, plants and animals to help protect them

New approach using species traits could be critical for conservation efforts

Stephanie Green records observations about a lionfish for her research on invasive species. Green helped create a trait-based tool to predict which native fish may be most vulnerable to the voracious invader. (Photo courtesy Stephanie Green)

Reading Time: 3 minutes Could help scientists better predict how climate change will affect all life

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