Reading Time: 4 minutes Collaborate to produce greener aviation fuel
Tag: Alberta environment
We need to talk about wildfires and climate change
Reading Time: 3 minutes Unprecedented wildfires plague Canada from coast to coast
Little evidence Alberta energy panel engaging with the public
Reading Time: 4 minutes Any plan of any substance needs to be a plan in which Albertans see a reflection of themselves and the energy future they want
Alberta inactive assets trial balloon shot down
Reading Time: 5 minutes Cleaning up inactive assets continues to hang over the energy sector like a dark cloud
Alberta’s blueprint for its energy future works in the shadows
Reading Time: 4 minutes Premier Smith’s retread energy panel seemingly only out to please only one particular constituency
How to fix Alberta’s old-school energy panel
Reading Time: 5 minutes Premier Smith should create a parallel panel of energy players from the constituencies neglected in the first kick at the cat
Alberta premier’s latest scheme blares BOONDOGGLE (ALL CAPS)
Reading Time: 6 minutes The Liability Management Incentive Program is both bad politics and bad policy
Confusing signals from Ottawa on oil and gas
Reading Time: 4 minutes Is Ottawa actually executing a master plan to shut down Canada’s oil and gas industry?
Alberta NDP leader Rachel Notley is pro carbon tax
Reading Time: 3 minutes Her claims to be the affordability superhero don’t ring true
Alberta is high on hydrogen
Reading Time: 2 minutes Episode #19 in our Decarbonization series, third of three on the role of hydrogen in addressing Alberta’s commitment to emissions reduction