Reading Time: 4 minutes We tend to think of England and France as historic enemies
Tag: France
Africa’s rising instability could have dangerous consequences for the entire planet
Reading Time: 3 minutes Respect Africa’s resources and people or face repercussions
Haiti is poor and unstable because Western powers have made it that way
Reading Time: 3 minutes Haiti’s efforts toward self-determination have been almost constantly undermined by foreign intervention
French push back against increase in retirement age
Reading Time: 3 minutes French workers, especially in the 20th century, have a history of pushing their governments in the right direction
The death of King Richard the Lionheart
Reading Time: 4 minutes England’s most famous medieval king was, like his parents, more French than English
Wealth taxes cripple economic growth
Reading Time: 3 minutes A wealth tax would block entrepreneurship, and the creation of economic growth and jobs. Factors that will help end the economic crisis
Flu pandemic of 1918 brutal, virulent killer
Reading Time: 3 minutes One hundred years ago, a flu pandemic swept across the world, killing tens of millions of people, particularly those in the prime of life
The revolution always eats its own children
Reading Time: 3 minutes History shows plenty of radicals who pushed too hard. We have plenty on today’s world stage
Believe it or not: There was once a plan for a Franco-British union
Reading Time: 3 minutes From the failed Franco-British Union during the Second World War to Brexit, some things are just meant to fail
The failure of an American president to compromise
Reading Time: 3 minutes Woodrow Wilson failed to accept the limitations and checks explicit in the American democratic system