Reading Time: 3 minutes It’s foolish to pin your fiscal strategy on revenue that is not guaranteed
Tag: Saskatchewan budget
Saskatchewan can’t get overconfident in its finances
Reading Time: 3 minutes Last year was a fiscal blessing for Saskatchewan. But …
Saskatchewan small business tax uptick sparks worry
Reading Time: 2 minutes Will the tax rate increase break their backs?
Saskatchewan needs to permanently end small business tax
Reading Time: 3 minutes Small business owners face higher taxes on Canada Day
Praying for resource booms isn’t a prudent way to budget
Reading Time: 3 minutes The Saskatchewan government desperately needs a debt repayment plan. A heritage fund is that plan
Saskatchewan budget failed to make life more affordable
Reading Time: 3 minutes The recent provincial budget was a golden opportunity to cut taxes and end the growing debt
Saskatchewan has a history of failing to balance its budget
Reading Time: 4 minutes Better decisions by the government could have led to a cut in PST
Saskatchewan’s budget is Robin Hood in reverse
Reading Time: 3 minutes Increasing provincial sales tax – including on children’s clothes – will hurt lower-income households more than higher-income ones