Canada’s property rights slipping behind global competitors

Photo by Gene Gallin
This entry is part [part not set] of 8 in the series Property rights in Canada

Reading Time: 4 minutes Property rights protections deliver prosperity and good jobs for all Canadians

Canada’s marketing boards a barrier to affordable food

Photo by Austin Santaniello

Reading Time: 3 minutes Phasing out marketing boards will lead to lower food prices

Will California’s $20 minimum wage become a blueprint for Canada?

Reading Time: 4 minutes The implications for Canadian fast food

Canada needs a climate Sense and Sensibility listening panel

Photo by Franco Antonio Giovanella

Reading Time: 6 minutes Canadians feel disengaged from current energy and climate politics

Emerging energy resources investments boom in Alberta

A pilot project at the Quest Carbon Capture and Storage facility near Edmonton will see U of A researchers working with industry partners to develop precise monitoring technology and gauge public perceptions about carbon storage. (Photo: Shell Canada Ltd.)

Reading Time: 4 minutes Alberta energy producers expected to spend $730 million this year