Researchers detect early signs of autism in at-risk infants

Lonnie Zwaigenbaum conducts a study with a young patient. Zwaigenbaum led new research showing that autism spectrum disorder can be predicted in at-risk children as young as a year old, which could lead to earlier interventions and better outcomes. (Photo: Alberta Health Services; taken pre-COVID-19)

Reading Time: 3 minutes Some of the earliest signs apparent quite early in life – for many children even by the first birthday

Building quality of life into spaces for people with ‘invisible’ disabilities

Lara Pinchbeck (left) conducts an art workshop with older adults in congregate living facilities as part of a project to document their experiences of aging. As a doctoral student and consultant, Pinchbeck aims to improve understanding of universal design principles that can lead to better quality of life for people with disabilities. (Photo: Supplied; taken before COVID-19)

Reading Time: 4 minutes Ensuring physical accessibility is only the beginning of creating places where people can ‘be who they are,’ says design consultant and PhD student Lara Pinchbeck