Reading Time: 3 minutes The N.S. Health Authority lets an inefficient telephone system act as an important barrier to timely care
Tag: Nova Scotia health care
One patient, one record: the folly of Nova Scotia’s latest health plan
Reading Time: 3 minutes The plan seems to depend on methods developed in part in other countries that rank poorly for health services delivery
Let private enterprise retail cannabis in Nova Scotia
Reading Time: 3 minutes A private retail model offers more entrepreneurship overall and better distribution, particularly in rural areas
Nova Scotia rationing primary health care
Reading Time: 3 minutes Nova Scotia Health Authority insists on deciding who will have primary-care physicians and who will not, leaving seniors and expecting parents in the lurch
Medicare crippled when government doesn’t treat us all as equals
Reading Time: 3 minutes Canadian health care violates human rights when governments cause limited or delayed access to primary and specialist care
Health-care spending increases point to unsustainable future
Reading Time: 3 minutes Provincial governments need to start re-examining how their health-care dollars are spent or implementing meaningful health-care reform now