Reading Time: 3 minutes Groups opposed to gene editing have consistently misled the public through fearmongering
Tag: GMO
How to win the war against global famine
Reading Time: 4 minutes Stop feeding people food to cars and animals
Gene edited foods could be our next risk communication fiasco
Reading Time: 3 minutes Gene-edited crops can help produce safe and affordable food and energy. But proponents need to make a legitimate case to consumers
The dark side of the Non-GMO Project
Reading Time: 3 minutes Suggesting that food products with the Non-GMO Project label are safer and more nutritious is simply misleading and rests on scrawny scientific evidence
All the food we eat has been modified by humans
Reading Time: 3 minutes The world of food marketing is full of deception. The truth is there is very little that’s ‘natural’ about our food, but that doesn’t make it dangerous
Genetic modification a crucial tool in feeding the world
Reading Time: 3 minutes Scientists have found no negative differences in the health of people eating GM and non-GM foods
The most irrational, damaging or downright dumb beliefs of 2017
Reading Time: 4 minutes A look back at 2017 shows far too many instances in Canada where we got it all wrong
Burying Monsanto could give GMO science a new lease on life
Reading Time: 3 minutes By having science on its side, Monsanto seemed to believe there was no need to answer public concerns – and that was a huge PR mistake
Genetically-modified salmon set to hit the market
Reading Time: 3 minutes Labelling regulations need to be modified so consumers have final word on the technology
Frankenfood follies put world at peril
Reading Time: 4 minutes GMOs may be the only way to avoid catastrophic global water and food shortages