Reading Time: 3 minutes Let’s be very careful about electing a government that’s bribing us with our own money
Tag: Federal budget
Federal government’s appetite for spending is a serious problem
Reading Time: 3 minutes To pay for this rapid rise in public debt, future generations will face higher taxes
We must get federal government spending in check
Reading Time: 4 minutes Despite higher-than-budgeted revenues, there’s been no reduction in the federal deficit in the last four years
Bad budget decisions make Canada vulnerable
Reading Time: 3 minutes Deficit finances put the country in a difficult situation as hints of recession abound. And the Liberal government doesn’t seem to care
Government spending must be a federal election issue
Reading Time: 3 minutes Sound fiscal policy can come from any party. Canadians need facts, not fiction and rhetoric
Trudeau government’s reckless spending digging deep hole
Reading Time: 3 minutes Future generations will pay higher taxes to finance today’s debt growth. And what has this record debt brought us?
Budget deficits can increase social inequality
Reading Time: 3 minutes The burden of the debt financing falls on the whole population, and low-income Canadians can least afford to contribute
Canadian governments addicted to personal income tax
Reading Time: 3 minutes We need a retooled and simplified tax system that’s suited to a 21st-century economy being reshaped by technology
Federal budget full of puzzling contradictions
Reading Time: 3 minutes With one hand, the government gives. With the other hand, it takes away benefits to taxpayers
Liberal budget sells the farm along with quotas
Reading Time: 4 minutes From supply management to food strategy to rural Internet to food processing to export targets, the government got it all wrong