Reading Time: 3 minutes Dubious government investments are stunting our standard of living
Tag: Corporate welfare
Government-funded auto projects in Quebec have a history of red ink
Reading Time: 4 minutes Quebec makes a billion-dollar bet on its electric dreams
Canada’s billions to automakers yield few returns
Reading Time: 3 minutes Corporate welfare handouts come under scrutiny
Canadian Taxpayers Federation urges governments to cut corporate subsidies
Reading Time: 3 minutes Trudeau and Ford governments to provide $15 billion in corporate welfare to Stellantis
Volkswagen corporate giveaway a massive misallocation of taxpayer’s money
Reading Time: 3 minutes The deal will ultimately hinder the economy’s overall growth potential, making all of us poorer
Taxpayers get soaked by Volkswagen giveaway
Reading Time: 4 minutes Volkswagen will get up to $13 billion in corporate welfare in exchange for a $7-billion electric car battery plant
Reality check: CEO pay is out of control in Canada
Reading Time: 3 minutes The CEO-to-worker pay gap is now 243 times more than the average worker’s pay
In the new year, Ontario Premier Ford should resolve to …
Reading Time: 3 minutes Cut the HST, keep the budget balanced and end corporate welfare
Trudeau’s luxury tax will harm blue-collar workers
Reading Time: 3 minutes Canadian workers will pay the price of this silly political posturing
World Cup games a boondoggle for taxpayers
Reading Time: 3 minutes Politicians shouldn’t be wasting tax dollars on their political vanity project