CBD Oil For Pain Relief: The Key Benefits To Consider

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CBD Oil For Pain Relief

Usually extracted from hemp plants, CBD oil is known for being effective in terms of pain management. However, even if many people use this product, the studies and clinical trials for CBD are still not enough; there’s still a need for more evidence to prove its pain relief benefits.

But, why is CBD oil so effective in providing pain relief? Should you consider it as part of your wellness routine? Well, to know what CBD oil really is and how it can benefit you, it’s important to know its basics first.

According to a study, CBD oil has direct effects on the body’s endocannabinoid system. It enhances the effects of some brain chemicals, like serotonin, to lessen pain perception and suppress inflammation. CBD oil is also a great antioxidant.

Below are the benefits of CBD oil for pain relief:

  • Manages Arthritis Pain

In a study, CBD oil has been found to help those who suffer from pain caused by arthritis. Researchers applied topical CBD gel to rats with arthritis for several days and found that there was a drop in signs of pain and inflammation without causing side effects.

People who use CBD oil may experience pain relief, though more human studies should be done to confirm such findings.

  • Reduces Pain From Cancer And Different Cancer Treatments

Research suggests that CBD can relieve some of the worrisome chemotherapy side effects. It indicates that chemo-related nausea, mouth sores, and discomfort respond positively to cannabis consumption.

There is also a study that shows CBD oil can reduce the pain associated with various kinds of cancers. In some cases, CBD therapy may result in a reduction in tumor size, based on a study.

  • Pain Relief For Multiple Sclerosis

MS or multiple sclerosis is basically an autoimmune disease, which affects the body through the brain and nerves. One of the common symptoms of multiple sclerosis is muscle spasms. Such spasms can cause constant pain to others. In a report, it was found that using CBD oil may reduce the spasticity level that a person may experience.

  • Migraine Pain Relief

Although the studies on migraine and CBD are limited, there is a study that indicates CBD can lessen intense and acute pain for those who suffer from migraine. Participants took two compounds–one had 9% CBD and no THC, while the other compound had 19% THC. All of the doses were orally taken. Participants who took the combination of THC and CBD compounds saw reduction in migraine attacks, and were found to be more effective than migraine treatments.

  • Chronic Pain Relief

In a study, CBD has been found to offer relief for those who suffer from chronic pain. Another study suggests that using CBD can lessen pain from inflammation. Researchers have also found that users aren’t likely to develop tolerance to CBD effects.

Woman with a flower in her belly button

Ways To Use CBD Oil For Pain Relief

If you want to make the most out of the benefits of CBD oil for pain relief, you should know how to use it properly. When compared to opioids and NSAIDs, CBD oil may be administered in various ways. However, the dosage may differ depending on one’s medical condition.

One of the ways to use CBD oil for pain relief is through sublingual treatment. Basically, it means CBD is administered under the tongue. This treatment requires users to put a small amount of CBD under their tongue, wherein the blood vessels’ walls are exposed and thin. For this reason, CBD oil is quickly absorbed by the body and provides pain relief much faster.

Another way to use CBD oil for pain relief is through ingestibles. There are numerous CBD ingestibles available in the market, and the number of types of these products expand weekly. From gummies to smoothies to beverages, you have several options you can choose from. All you have to do is to buy the ones that are pure and of high quality. But, even if CBD works for pain relief, it’s important to check the regulations and law about the usage of such CBD products before you decide to purchase one.

The Bottom Line

If you are suffering from a chronic pain condition and standard treatments aren’t as effective as before, you can consider CBD oil to experience pain relief. But, it is wise to discuss this with your doctor first. Ask if it is safe or appropriate for you to incorporate CBD oil to your usual pain management plan. Bear in mind that because of lack of regulations in CBD oil products, their content and purity may vary, which can make a difference in their effectiveness.

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