Raising Children Who Love to Read

Boy reading a book
Reading Time: 5 minutes
Boy reading a book love to read
Performance in school is more directly linked to children’s reading scores than any other factor

If you want to increase your child’s IQ, a proven way is to read books with them. This way you will be developing their skills in reading comprehension and at the same time encouraging a love of reading.   As they get older they will choose to read on their own and their overall grades on school tests will likely be higher than those who don’t read.

It has been shown that performance in school is more directly linked to children’s reading scores over any other factor. However, as with no deposit codes Fair Go, there are no guarantees.  But studies do show that actively reading does have an impact on performance scores.

Is your child reading every day?  Do they pick up a book just for fun or because it is given to them. Most parents are happy and eager to buy board books and soft books for their babies and get excited to see how their young children love being read to.

But as time goes on, and by the age of 12 years, children are only reading books connected with school work and projects.  A US study carried out in 2015 found that 65 percent of fourth grade students in public schools were reading below the accepted proficiency level.

The love of reading doesn’t really become fixed in early childhood.  Very young children and even toddlers love playing with books and looking at the pictures.  But as they get older they learn that reading is not really play, it can be hard work.  It is something you have to decide to do.

Today, there are so many ways in which children and young people can amuse themselves that reading may appear like hard work.   Unfortunately, they may never find themselves so deeply immersed in a book that doing anything else pales by comparison.  So how can you help your child develop a real love of reading.

Introduce reading to your child as early as possible

Reading doesn’t have to be only at bedtime.  You can buy hard books and cloth books for babies in wonderful colors.  You can include them as part of ritual together time, early morning when you are snuggled up together before the day begins.  Reading and introducing books to your child can be made part of your cozy time together.

Join a library and make sure to visit regularly

By the age of 2 your child may choose reading as their favorite activity. Joining a library will be really helpful. The library will have a wide selection of books for you and your child to choose from.  Some libraries also have story hour which can be a really fun activity.

Books can be an expensive item so joining a library and borrowing books is an excellent alternative.  The librarians will undoubtedly have lists of the most popular books in your child’s age range making it easy to find what your child will like and what is age appropriate.

Don’t Try to Force the Issue

Children will learn to actually read once they get to school.  Your job as the parent is really to instill in them a love of books.  Introducing them to the stories and pictures in books will help them to develop a love of reading.  Trying to teach them to read too early may actually spoil their fun and make reading more of a chore which may be hard to change.

Not all children begin to read at 3 or 4 years old. Some don’t actually learn to read until they are 7.  There is no problem with this. Just like some toddlers walk at 10 months and some not until they are almost 2 years old. It really doesn’t matter.   It is not worth trying to force your child to read early if they are not showing an interest.   In fact it can have negative consequences.

It would be helpful, however, if you notice that your child has a difficult time recognizing letters or sounds that are often repeated.  It could be useful to mention this at your child’s school as early diagnosis and intervention is best.

Make Reading to your child a priority.

Reading to small children can often be a useful distraction.   Reading a story during mealtimes can be a very useful tool and entertain them in order to have them finish their meal.  At the same time, looking at, and hearing a story, is a more engaging activity. It beats just sitting a child in front of the TV and have them passively staring at the screen.

Keeping reading even though he’s learnt to read

You should keep reading to your children for as long as they will let you. Some children will continue to love you reading to them and this will help to develop their skills.  They will also enjoy the together time and you can use the opportunity to teach them other things as well.

Frustration may prevent early readers from reading.  They can read those simple books but are looking for more interesting and developed stories but these may be just too difficult for them with many words that they are not familiar with.  So, the child may turn away and choose a different activity.

It is therefore really important for the parent to continue reading stories and keep the child interested in the hidden joys of books.  This will encourage the child to master the hard work of learning to read more difficult texts.

It is at this point that it will be useful to search out books with interesting themes that your child will be able to master.  Books with lots of illustrations will help to keep them interested and help to figure out the words and their meanings.

With his reading at home and in school his reading will improve. Once his reading skills have become more advanced you can introduce series books which will have the child eager to read the next book.

Make Reading time part of your daily ritual

Set aside a special reading time. A time when you sit together, a quiet time. But it doesn’t have to be just a bedtime ritual. But children do love the opportunity to stay up just that little bit later.  It is worth it if they will be reading a book.  For really young children it may be better to schedule this reading time for earlier as they tend to fall asleep.

Help them to progress on to the next level

Gradually introduce books a little bit harder than they might choose for themselves. You can share the reading – you one page and them the next.  If you see it is just too difficult, you can revert back to easier ones for a time and then reintroduce them again later on.

If the child can’t figure out the word, just fill it in. Don’t make them stop to figure it out. Your goal is to keep them excited and interested in the story. If your child is really not interested in sharing the reading, don’t try forcing them.  If it becomes a chore and there is no fun, you have not achieved anything.

Try introducing comics to entice unenthusiastic readers.

Comics can be a huge incentive for kids to read. Especially for kids who might find book reading a little intimidating.  They do have fun storylines, like the Tin Tin comics and introduce children to new ideas and vocabulary.

Never Stop Reading to them

Books are a great talking point.  They offer you as a parent the opportunity to discuss and impart important values.  It is a great way of sharing and nurturing that emotional connection.

Being a Role Model

Being a reader yourself and being seen reading books is a big motivator. Having books in the house and discussing what you are reading will encourage them to read too. Afterall, if reading is not part of your life, why should it be part of theirs?

Reducing the influence of technology

Today with computers, phones and TV, book reading stands little chance of competing. It is important from the word go to limit screen time.  Don’t let the habit of passively sitting in front of a screen thwart the possibility of your child developing a love of books and storytelling.  Until a child has mastered reading skills, the watching of TV should be seriously limited.

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