5 Things to Consider When Choosing a Lawyer to Represent You

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Hire a lawyer

Hiring a lawyer isn’t something that people like to think about. It is a situation that no-one wants to find themselves in, but unfortunately, there can be times in your life where you need a lawyer to represent you. Now, before you go picking the first one you see in the yellow pages, it’s a good idea to take a more measured approach when choosing who will represent you. The lawyer you decide to work with can determine just how successful your outcome is in your case.

Schedule a Consultation

A great place to start when looking for a lawyer is to schedule a free consultation. While some firms may offer a free consultation, others will charge a fee. A consultation is meant to give you the opportunity to discuss your case, listen to how the lawyer would approach it, and have them tell you what the expected outcome would likely be.

Remember, you shouldn’t feel pressured to hire on the lawyer just because you have a consultation. It is ultimately up to you if you want to continue with them or not.

What About Their Fee?

The consultation is also the perfect time to discuss fees. You don’t want any future surprises down the road, so have them give you a full quote. Be sure to ask if that includes everything, or what the “extras” might be that could result in additional fees/charges.

Do You Connect with the Lawyer?

While you may assume that picking the ideal lawyer is all business and nothing more than a transactional operation, in fact, there should be much more to it. Being able to connect and have that rapport with the lawyer you choose is imperative.

Chances are you will have multiple conversations with them, you will need to answer questions and provide information so they can build your case, and they may even be sitting next to you in a courtroom acting as your trial lawyer. The two of you need to be able to communicate in an effective manner.

Ensure Your Lawyer Has Experience with Your Type of Case

Then there is the fact that you not only need a lawyer with experience, but you need one with experience in your particular type of case. This is the best way to ensure they understand the law, know what to expect, know all the right steps to take, and how to best represent you and your interests.

Take for example a wrongful death case. This is a very serious matter, so someone with experience in these types of cases will know how to approach the case in the best possible manner. Look specifically for a wrongful death law firm, such as Trapani, a Philadelphia wrongful death law firm. Not only do they have the experience, but they also understand the pain you are going through and how to best help you through the case.

How Can You Reach Your Lawyer?

It’s also important to think about the future and how you will be able to chat with your lawyer. What happens if you have questions or concerns – how and when can you reach them? It’s quite normal to have things pop up or come to mind that leave you a bit confused as to what your next steps will be.

Will you be able to speak to your lawyer directly when you want, or will you be directed to a paralegal or someone else? How quickly can you expect your lawyer to get back to you? Will it be via phone, in-person, or by email?

Making an Education Decision

By using these tips, you’ll be able to make an educated decision and choose a lawyer who is more than capable of representing you and getting you the best possible outcome with your case.

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