5 Little Things You Didn’t Know a Boss Notices at an Interview

Job interview career stress
Reading Time: 2 minutes
Job interview career stress
Overlooking any of these little things can be disadvantageous to your career ambitions

There are a huge number of things to consider when planning a job application and then even more when you get to the stage of interview. You will tend to concentrate on your work history, education and life achievements. These are all incredibly important, but one area that often is overlooked is all the little things that an interviewer notices while you are at the interview and it can be very advantageous to be aware of these.

Hand Gestures & Body Position

Confidence is key in a job interview situation and how you come across can be as much a deciding factor as what you say or what was in your application. So it’s important to be aware of your hands and body as you sit there answering questions. Don’t stick your hands in your pockets, or slouch! It’s important to sit tall and show a confident, but not cocky, attitude.

Personality & Interests

It’s often just as important who you are as well as what you have done in your career. Be prepared for personal questions, and not just general and random ones, they may well have looked at your Facebook and Twitter history, so don’t be caught off-guard. It’s important to be able to justify any views or incidents they may bring up, especially if you are in a role that involves engaging with the public or the media.

Your Accessories

How you are dressed is critically important, this is not news to anyone. But what is sometimes missed are the small details, be sure to not only wear smart, formal attire but pay attention to your accessories. It’s not always possible to invest in a whole new outfit but anyone can add new and exciting accessories, pocket squares, watches, scarves and more can all add a piece of flair to your outfit. You can always find a good outfitter like John Henric who can get you sorted with everything you need.

How You Behave in the Waiting Area

How you behave when you arrive can be key. First impressions are everything as they say, and you may not think you are being monitored as you sit and wait to be called in but why leave anything to chance. It’s not unheard of for companies to keep an eye on their applicants in the waiting area, and even if it seems there are no staff around there is always the possibility of someone monitoring the CCTV cameras.

How You Arrive

How you arrive can be vitally important as you will want to ensure you make a good impression. Often you need to sign in to reception when you arrive and part of this is stating your car registration, and if you have an old, rusty or beaten up car then it may not give the best impression. Consider parking down the street and walking up, even arrive by taxi. If you are especially concerned about your appearance you can always hire a nice car for the day.

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