Reading Time: 3 minutes Model uses speech traits to detect cognitive decline
Category: Mental health
The art behind setting firm emotional boundaries
Reading Time: 3 minutes Setting firm boundaries is a powerful tool for protecting your well-being and maintaining your sanity
Seven reasons we should care about caregivers
Reading Time: 6 minutes Millions of Canadians are juggling full-time jobs and unpaid support for loved ones
Headband may help diagnosis of stroke patients
Reading Time: 2 minutes New wearable tech could help improve the speed and accuracy of diagnosis
Risk of ADHD lower in children who follow healthy lifestyle
Reading Time: 3 minutes Researchers identify a cumulative ‘dosage’ effect of optimal diet, physical activity, screen time and sleep
Those with ADHD need to speak out
Reading Time: 3 minutes Many people with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) still find it very scary to talk about their struggles
4 percent of adult population experience Attention Deficit disorders
Reading Time: 3 minutes Sufferers twice as likely to die of accidental causes as people who don’t suffer the disorder