Reading Time: 3 minutes Opponents of parental rights are swimming against the rising tide of public opinion
Author: Michael Zwaagstra
Michael Zwaagstra is a public high school teacher and author. He has extensive teaching experience at a variety of grade levels and currently teaches high school social studies in Manitoba. Michael received his Bachelor of Education, Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Education and Master of Education degrees from the University of Manitoba where he won numerous academic awards including the A. W. Hogg Undergraduate Scholarship, the Klieforth Prize in American History and the Schoolmasters’ Wives Association Scholarship. He also holds a Master of Arts in Theological Studies from Liberty University and graduated with high distinction.
Parents must be kept in the loop about their children
Reading Time: 3 minutes NB Premier Blaine Higgs stands firm on parental notification policy
Private sector partnerships good for public education
Reading Time: 3 minutes Private sector partnerships are a great way to bring in some much-needed fresh ideas
How the Alberta election will impact children’s education
Reading Time: 4 minutes The UCP and NDP have vastly different approaches as to how children should be educated
Manitoba’s teacher misconduct bill step in right direction
Reading Time: 3 minutes Bill 35 is not anti-teacher legislation. It is about keeping students safe from predatory teachers
ChatGPT no reason to move away from traditional teaching
Reading Time: 3 minutes ChatGPT is an impressive tool, but it is just that – a tool
Bringing back Grade 12 exams makes sense
Reading Time: 3 minutes They provide us with important information that we can use to improve our education system
Learning styles myth needs to be rejected once and for all
Reading Time: 3 minutes The learning styles myth perpetuates a falsehood about how students learn
School board meetings should happen in-person
Reading Time: 3 minutes Remote meetings are often not taken as seriously as in-person meetings
How we teach reading really does matter
Reading Time: 3 minutes The whole language approach to teaching reading has been devastating for students