Reading Time: 3 minutes COVID-19 fallout has revealed a genuine hostility on the part of the young toward the old, especially baby boomers
Author: Gerry Bowler
Gerry Bowler grew up in Saskatoon and earned his first two academic degrees from the University of Saskatchewan. He received his Ph.D. in History from King’s College, London with a dissertation on Protestant political theory of the Tudor period.
Where is the willingness to suffer for your beliefs?
Reading Time: 3 minutes Thoreau, Gandhi and King understood that going to jail was a reasonable price to pay for protest. Why don’t we accept that today?
Winnipeg’s statue cleansing a distortion of history
Reading Time: 4 minutes The mayor is misreading the events of the Northwest Rebellion and romanticizing a nasty moment in our country’s history
Democracy can’t afford to stifle dissent and discussion
Reading Time: 3 minutes Protesters have silenced free speech through a combination of media pressure, inflated security costs claims, boycotts, riots and violence
Words matter, outcomes matter more
Reading Time: 4 minutes In modern society, we tend to casually toss around words like racism and genocide. We need to be more respectful of these words – and their horrible history
The revolution always eats its own children
Reading Time: 3 minutes History shows plenty of radicals who pushed too hard. We have plenty on today’s world stage
Just who are the guardians of racial identity?
Reading Time: 3 minutes And what does that matter more than other qualities when it comes to electing politicians?
The frivolity at the heart of climate change marches
Reading Time: 4 minutes Who knew that by shunning income and education we could do so much good, and that ignorance could save the planet?
Quebec challenges Canada’s multicultural experiment
Reading Time: 3 minutes It would be foolish to ignore the growing public unease that has followed increased levels of immigration
The high social cost of allowing human indulgences
Reading Time: 4 minutes You don’t discourage bad behaviour by making it easier and more pleasant to engage in. Except Canadians have when it comes to gambling and drug use