Common Security Issues of Mobile Application and How to Fix Them

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Mobile apps were downloaded over 205 billion times, globally by users in their smartphones in the year 2018. As smartphones have become an integral part of the modern lifestyle, so are the apps. You download apps for different purposes like; online shopping, banking, social media interaction and for playing online games. Research shows that around 40% of the world adult population has installed a mobile app for a different reason. The apps are designed for seamless function and to provide excellent user experience, and consumers download it to facilitate daily activities. While downloading it, you provide personal information but do not think about the potential threats.

Common Security Issues of Mobile Application and How to Fix Them
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Security mechanism

Around 38% of the mobile app compatible with iOs and 43% for android applications are vulnerable to external intrusion. Insecure data storage is the common fault found in about 76% of mobile apps. This faulty feature makes your personal information like bank details and password susceptible. Most of the times, your phone is hacked through malware, where the intruders do not need to have physical access to your device. The inefficient, inept security mechanism; around 74% for iOs and 57% for android app leaves the door ajar for hackers to steal information. To fix the bugs, the security code needs to be remodeled. Risks need not arise from the client or server end. Few trivial loopholes can make the app completely at the mercy of hackers. Few glitches can have dare consequences, including financial loss and mitigation of the reputation of the developer. Download app from secured sites like

Malware infection

Insecure data storage is the main villain causing security threats in the clients end. Devices with administrator privileges (jailbreak or root) are more susceptible to malware infection. Once the malware is installed in the device, it can ask for permission for user data, and once it is granted, the data is siphoned to the hacker. Studies reveal 81 VPN applications from Google play store is incorporated with dubious features.

Be vigilant while installing a new app on your mobile device. If the app asks for unreasonable access to data, deny access. Your mobile can be lost in transit or stolen if it is not password protected, hackers can easily access to the personal data. When the device is connected to a computer, the data can be retrieved. If you have activated back up in the android device, then using Android Debug Bridge (ADB), the person can extract data. Even if the feature is not enabled, through root privilege, the intruder can access data.

Be vigilant

If the device is not restricted to a number of attempts to unlock using a PIN code, it can hack with ease without any malware application. If you do not limit the number of attempts, then the hacker can use numerous passwords to unlock it. Do not choose a PIN, which is common like date of birth, ID or phone number. Biometric authentication like fingerprint, voice or face reorganization is more secure. Be vigilant while opening links attached to emails. If there is any dubious element like misspelling does not open it. All mobile application has some inherent vulnerability, to reduce the risk Google and Apple is taking ample preventive measures.

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