Addressing the Falsely Believed Notions about Chiropractic Care

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Addressing the Falsely Believed Notions about Chiropractic Care

World Health Organization found that 80% of people suffer from back pain at some stage of their lives and seek treatment. Marietta chiropractic treatments have proven to be effective time and again and have provided relief to those suffering from back injuries and issues.

There are many benefits of chiropractic care, and at the same time, many myths surround the treatment method. Here are some of the prevalent falsely believed rumors and myths about a chiropractor. If you have also heard one or more of them, you have come to the right place since we are going to be dismissing them today:

Chiropractors Don’t Have Advanced Schooling 

One of the most common myths about chiropractors is that they have not studied as much as other doctors. That is not true! Chiropractors complete a minimum of six years of full-time university education, just like other doctors.

They receive a doctorate of chiropractic degree. Chiropractors can get a license and open a Marietta chiropractic clinic only after passing the national board exams. An undergraduate degree cannot help them in doing that.

Chiropractic Care Is Unsafe

Chiropractic professionals are experts in spine-related issues and have gone through the required training and learning to perform spinal manipulations. The treatment is completely safe and the only risk involved is that for the elderly, who have weak bones and frail health.

Chiropractors possess some of the lowest malpractice insurance premiums in terms of any registered health care professionals due to how safe it is.

Chiropractors Only Treat Back Pain

Chiropractic care deals with spinal manipulation or adjustment of the spinal cord. Chiropractors treat the entire nervous system. They have in-depth knowledge of how the spine and the related structures impact the different functions of the body.

Patients can suffer from allergies, anxiety, insomnia, shoulder pain, and headaches when the nervous system performs poorly. Chiropractic care goes beyond treating back pain. Apart from adjustments and aligning the spine, the chiropractor treats the patients’ conditions by recommending relevant exercises with lifestyle changes.

Chiropractic Care is Painful

Spinal adjustments do not hurt in general but help in alleviating pain. The majority of the patients who are admitted respond immediately to pain relief. The chiropractic adjustments that you may receive at any Marietta pain clinic would cause some discomfort at first, including aching muscles and soreness, but will gradually relieve you from all the stress.

The sounds one hears during the treatment session, such as clicking, cracking, and popping sounds, are because of the pressure that releases from the spinal facet joints. The goal of this type of treatment is to reduce and eventually eliminate the painful symptoms over time.

Chiropractors Forcefully Push Bones into Place

Due to the sounds that occur during an adjustment, chiropractic care might sound painful to others. However, it is the same as popping knuckles. When the pressure is released from the joints, and they stretch, the movement of gas in the joint fluid leads to these sounds.

Adjustments are quite like stretches in nature. The only difference is that they are done at high speed and that, too, at a specific point for stimulation of your nervous system.

Chiropractic Treatment is Costly

The treatment is not only affordable but covered by the majority of the insurances. Here are a few numbers to make you believe.

Out of the patients who go to a chiropractor for primary care,

  • 59% spent fewer days at the hospital,
  • 60% experienced fewer hospital admissions,
  • 62% faced less outpatient surgery, and
  • 85% saved in pharmaceutical costs.

No Scientific Evidence Supports Chiropractic Treatment

This form of treatment is firmly based on scientific rules. We all know that the nervous system controls and regulates every single cell and tissue in your body and our spinal cord is the center of the nervous system. When the spine suffers injuries or becomes misaligned, it impacts the functioning of the nervous system.

With spinal manipulation, a chiropractor would make adjustments to your spine so that your nervous system functions as it should. It is a natural holistic treatment that brings results without using surgery or medicines.

Chiropractors and Physiotherapists Are Same

Both chiropractors and physiotherapists assist patients in dealing with painful symptoms. They both fall under the category of conservative care, which treats joint, nerve, and muscle problems before thinking about surgical alternatives. But, there are some major differences between the two.

Chiropractors focus on treating the areas of the spine that are not functioning well or suffering from pain. The treatment involves spinal alignment and adjustment of the back using hands as well as specialized tools. However, the physiotherapist focus area is lessening pain with exercise and assistive devices to boost mobility. Physiotherapists treat ankle sprains, back pain, headaches, and knee injuries.

Once You Start Chiropractic Care You Cannot Stop

It is up to the patient to decide whether he wants to continue with chiropractic care for a long time or not. Along with that, it depends on the condition or injury that is being treated through it. For example, if you get into an accident and hurt your back, a chiropractor would encourage you to get your spine checked regularly.

When you visit a chiropractor, they are going to do a physical examination and check your medical history to determine the cause of pain or discomfort. The observations help the chiropractor in curating the treatment plan that he develops according to the patient’s needs and goals. The plan includes the number of initial visits the patient has to make and scheduled follow-ups. The plans may vary depending on the patient and his condition.


Chiropractic care is effective and does bring results. If you have any concerns or queries, you can feel free to ask the chiropractor you are considering for treatment. How you plan to go on with the treatment should be a shared decision between you and your chiropractor. By debunking these myths, we encourage you to opt for a medicine-free approach for all kinds of conditions.

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