The Benefits of Creating a Conference Call Agenda

Agenda book
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The Benefits of Creating a Conference Call Agenda
Conference calls have a bad reputation, and it is likely because people generally approach them entirely too casually. Participants come late, presenters are sometimes not prepared, and when the conversation gets off track it’s like trying to stop a moving train.

Fortunately, the right cloud conferencing platform can change the way you see conference calls forever. A comprehensive conference calling system helps you get your meetings started on time with integrated invitations and easy join options; it helps you stay on track with a meeting control console and operator-assisted calls; and it even helps you follow up when the meeting is over with live recordings, transcripts, and attendance sheets.

Your cloud conferencing platform can do all that for you, but you still need to prepare in order to make the best impression possible. Besides, you want to be able to use all the cool gadgets, such as screen and file sharing, like a pro.

Check out these very important reasons to have a meeting agenda, and see how that, combined with the full power of modern software, changes your business game for the better.

An Agenda Gives a Good First Impression

Even if the attendees of your meeting have worked with you many times before, a meeting agenda lets everyone know you care about the topic at hand. You can spend hours pacing and planning, but this is your evidence.

Clients are more likely to trust what you say when they know you are prepared, and you come across as more confident when you take initiative.

Agendas Set up Expectations

Meeting agendas make expectations clear from the start, and communicate professionalism. Conference calls get a bad wrap sometimes because many feel that they are a waste of time, but setting down an agenda in advance makes it clear that you are not here to waste anyone’s time, especially your own.

Participants are more likely to reciprocate by preparing before the meeting, then sticking to business during.

Be careful about the way you word the items in your agenda, because it sets the tone, in addition to expectations. Make sure your phrasing is always either positive or neutral, unless of course you are focusing on their pain points to drive your sale. You never want to stay on those for too long, however, so keep your agenda in a more positive slant.

Attendees Can Prepare

People like to identify with the host at meetings. They want to be on the same level with you, which is why demonstrating that you are prepared will inspire them to prepare also.

Now, if you are having a debate or you are using a specific communication tactic that benefits from your attendees being caught a little off-guard, then an agenda is not on your pre-meeting to-do list. If, however, that is not part of your strategy, then you want the participants in your meeting to also have time to prepare.

They may have talking points they want to share, or questions they want to remember to ask.

Agendas Point Out Resources

The multimedia experience helps people comprehend and retain more information at once. It also helps you communicate more information at once. Conference call attendees will better be able to keep up with the information you present if you include that information’s location in your agenda. For example, you may have in your agenda, “3rd. Qtr Earnings – see shared screen,”  which cues attendees to look up at the screen when you get to that point in the meeting.

It also helps to note page numbers, if you include handouts with your presentation. Participants can use them to go back and find that information later.

Helps Everyone Stay on Track

Most meetings that end up off the rails likely do not have a meeting agenda. You start off talking about healthcare, then the next thing you know someone chimes in with a comment about ponies. Before you can get control, everyone is talking and you have no idea where you were.

Ever been there? That can be prevented with a meeting agenda. When things start to get off track it will be easier to bring back, and all you have to do is point out how much you still have to cover in X amount of time.

Include Times For Each Topic to End Your Meeting on Time

This is a big one. You can’t leave your agenda open-ended unless you want to be in the meeting well past your scheduled time. Everyone is going to have one particular topic they feel is most important, and they are all likely different.

If everyone gets to hash out every detail about their most important thing on the agenda, your meeting will never end. Put a lid on each topic at a designated time, then move on. Leave a little time at the end for questions.

Helps Everyone Know Who is Speaking

Including the presenter’s name with the topic, helps everyone in your conference call. Even when everyone knows each others’ faces, the distinguishing voice may be a challenge for some. Meeting participants will have an easier time paying attention when they know who is speaking, and it makes the environment friendlier and more comfortable.

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