Watch on-demand movies and TV shows for free

American Ultra
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Movies on PlexGreg GazinPlex is a streaming media service known for making it easy to stream your personal media – movies, music, photos from your computer or attached hard drive to all your devices.

The company has recently announced they’ll be making thousands of movies and TV shows available free for streaming. And while the service is ad-supported, far fewer are shown than on network TV. And the price is right.

The beauty of it all is that you require no hardware or subscription. All you need to do is sign up for a free Plex account and thousands of titles with minimal ads are yours to watch. They’re organized by easy-to-navigate categories, including Kids & Family, Action, Sci-Fi, Comedy, Drama, Thriller, Anime, and more.

The service will also work with your Apple or Android devices as well as Smart TVs.

The company says that while there are other ad-supported streaming services, such as from Tubi, Pluto, and Vudu, Plex is available in more than 200 countries, making it the most widely available offering of this kind available.

To see some of the titles you’ll find on the new streaming service, watch this short promotional video.

Troy Media columnist Greg Gazin, also known as the Gadget Guy and Gadget Greg, is a syndicated veteran tech columnist, communication, leadership and technology speaker, facilitator, blogger, podcaster and author. Reach him @gadgetgreg or at

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By Greg Gazin

With a passion for all things tech, Troy Media columnist Greg Gazin has become a trusted voice in the industry, providing readers with valuable insights and analysis on the latest trends and innovations. His expertise covers a wide range of topics, including gadgets, cybersecurity, digital marketing, and productivity tools. Gazin's engaging writing style and ability to break down complex concepts have made him a go-to source for both tech enthusiasts and those seeking practical advice. Through his columns, Gazin continues to inform and inspire readers, helping them navigate the ever-changing world of technology with confidence.

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